Friday, July 10, 2009

Tiaga at McDonald lake

With the lake so cold is just makes this place bold.
from its ginormous mountains to the little boulders,
This place rocks!
The view is awesome.
Oh wow look a possum!
When you look into the water
from what you were told
you cant help but to feel bold

the annual temp: 20 f

precipitation is:12 to 33 cm a year

location:northern part of the world at MC Donald lake

climate: cold year round and lonely

plants:white spruce, hemlock, pine

wildlife:bobcat, wolverines, minks

birds:finches, sparrows, bald eagle

insects: monarch, southern lady beetle, eastern tent Caterpillar moth

reptiles:eastern diamond back rattler

characteristics:hot and dry summers, and cold winters

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

semester exam

north Korea has successfully launched a new military nuclear program for the second time
the first time they launched the program it was in range of the us so dismantled the program
across the country people took a moment to commemorate all soldiers on memorial day
today Obama signed a bill that makes it harder for teens to get a credit card

If you want to learn more click this

if you want to see a video click this
if you want to see some input click this

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

channel one news 5/19/09


Chicago has a lot of teen shootings over the past two years there is one shootings a day


he has gone to Iran to settle feuds


they are going to fix the Hubble scope


they are going to pass a law that makes parent check out their kids credit cards

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

channel one news 5/13/09

national security

The government says that being overweight will affect our nations security

Road trip

NASA is going on an incredibly dangerous mission to fix the Hubble telescope


he casualties of us troops are increasing so they are coming up with something to fix it

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

channel one news 5/6/09


calories actually burn it is a good way to determine a healthy snack


Obama invited a girl in south Carolina to a meeting and gave her school a million dollars


the Taliban are rebelling even more, so people living there are going to leave to avoid an attacks


in California a group of students are tested to be a crowned scientist

Monday, May 4, 2009

Channel one news 5/4/09


people are using hydroxide sheds weight but now they are recalling the product

Swine flu

The swine flu has spread but now they say it isn't that dangerous to healthy people


he nominating a person to be in the supreme court


a storm took out a cowboy ball game

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Channel one news 4/29/09


The first 100 days of Obama run he looks back to the depression,and has passed 15 bills

New york

New york is Americas biggest city

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

flauntr and foto flexer comparison


Flauntr takes longer than foto flexer but has excellent images
I used alot of effects on these pictures like sepia
I pixilized one picture
I flipped one picture
I tinted it red
And i tinted one blue

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Photo flexer

Iused lots of effects on these pictures
like the swirl ,
the neon effect ,
the strech affect ,
the distort effect
I found the photos in
student share folder
Web 2.0" refers to a perceived second web development that aims to facilitate
privacy and to share .I found this info at

Friday, April 3, 2009

Tour operator

This is a New Zealand trip Itinerary that I created.
click here to see my full Itinerary.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

channel one news 4/1/09


Obama is meeting with people around the world to come up with something to fix the economy.
world news

Clinton went to Afghanistan to bring peace.


Pistachios might have salmonella .


A new air conditioning system may be coming to school.

girl scouts

They are taking extra steps to attract teenage girls to join.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

channel one news 3/24/09


A couple teens posted a video on tube and got to meet the president


they are hiring people to figure out a plan to help the economy

Plane crashes

two plane crashed one in Montana and in Tokyo


They are fixing the space station

The nano

it is the worlds cheapest car

Thursday, March 19, 2009

channel one news 3/19/09


College costs are rising all over the country.


The top mind in money went to the white house to come up with something to fix the economy.


They are accusing that AIG is a greedy company.

Tex ting problems

New studies say that texting isn't healthy .

Also a new studier says that texting while driving is as dangerous as drinking and driving.

And they have come up with a solution.

Friday, March 6, 2009

channel one news 3/6/09

Barrack Obama

He says that he wants the people who are know best about money to come up with a solution to the economic crisis.

The Alamo

Today is the anniversary of the Alamo.


A new machine can determine if you have a sickness, but it is not always accurate.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Channel one news3/4/09


Ticket master controls over 80% of ticket sales, they are going to merge with live music that might cause a monopoly.


They ruled out a 2million plan in order to improve economy.


Hillary travelled over to Pakistan to negotiate .


Pat Moore is making his way to be the best snowboarder.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

channel one news


They are deciding what they are going to do with the stimulus plan.


The are developing a vaccine that Will take out the flu sickness.


Really bad droughts are taking their crops and it will cause a increased prices in groceries.


They are training dolphins to protect bases.

Free speech

students are enforcing the right of free speech by commemorating the war in Vietnam.


The average teen text es 2000 month.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Channel one news 2/17/09


Obama says that the biggest threat to the US is the economy

Every thing over the world is shutting down, and everybody blaming the united states


Hillary Clinton is going on a tour around the world to talk about big problems

New museum

They are creating anew museum for the recognition for African Americans


They took a conference that took 30 hours

Thursday, February 12, 2009

channelonenews 2/12/09

Natural disasters
A string of tornadoes has ripped though Texas, Oklahoma.
They are still counting deaths.
Today is Abrams Lincolns 200Th birthday.
Obama has put a stress test to address the problems with the economy.
they are electing a new president
they price for stamps is going up

Friday, February 6, 2009

Group presentation

Shanny and I worked together on the presentation on google docs. We used pictures, videos, and information from the Internet to construct this presentation.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Channel one news 2/3/09

Obama has handed an economic stimulus to the senate to improve everything.
The scene is still heating up no casualties yet but they are using rockets.
A new studier says that football can cause brain damage after awhile of trauma to the head.
It looks like their is going to be more snow.
A famous Viole player was doing a piece when his Viole broke.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Channel on news/28/09

Global warming
A new study says that global warming can not be fixed.
All over the country people are being laid off.
Obama has done his fist interview with Muslims.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Channel 1 news 1/27/09

High school coach is being charged with reckless homicide for the death of high school football player,they said that the heat caused the death and also they say that coach did not prevent death by hydrating football player.
President Obama has sent an order to reduce greenhouse effect.
In China they are celebrating the year of the ox.
New study found that pets relive stress.

Channel 1 news 1/27/09

Thursday, January 22, 2009

channel news 1/22/09

Obama has already started on signing forms and making changes.Obama has traveled to Guantanamo bay to persecute four terrorists.The scene in Gaza is still heating up, over 13000 people have already died.

Peanut butter companies are having recalls because they found traces of salmonella,already over 500 people sick.

New study says that technology is a sickness, social skills are being lost.

Group of teens from Texas travel to DC to cover the story on the Barack Obama.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

channel one news 1/21/09

This is a block quote example

Barack Obama has made history , he is the first African American to become president of the United states.